Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2 A.M. Is Powerful

It's two in the morning at the moment. I don't know how it got to be this way. There was a combination of inefficient project management, time used deleting Facebook and further time spent checking out Blogspot which led me to this moment. And 2 A.M. is powerful.

It inexplicably drains all of one's initiative and hope. I still have to do a lab write-up. I might get a terrible grade on this lab. I might fail organic chemistry. I might be so exhausted tomorrow that I inadvertently pour hydrochloric acid onto my lab partner and then fall asleep like a deaf narcoleptic puppy. In lab goggles.

Life could be truly terrible.

Life could be absolutely the worst. And you know why? Because it's 2 A.M.

Oh, it's been coming on. Midnight starts to flex its muscles. Half past and the sickly, dull talons of the early morning are beginning to get hungry. One o'clock and there's already that subtle collapse, that drooping of the eyelids and miserable outlook characteristic of the wee hours of the morning.

And then everything rushes along like an exponential curve tightening into Sheol and before you know it you're gazing with bleary eyes at a monitor for what feels like minutes but is actually hours and you know that time's slipping by and people are falling asleep on every side and not staring at LCD pixels, and tomorrow you're going to be so tired, and you're behind on sleep anyways, and there's four hundred different assignments to do tomorrow and there is no conceivable way life is going to be okay.

And then you hit Blogspot and everything is good.

Or else you stumble into StumbleUpon. And then you're hosed.

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