Friday, June 15, 2012

A Quickie

I was going to write a long update today about how I found a job and how I'm making some close friends and how I've already started to learn how ignorant and stubborn I've been about so many spiritual things and how excited I am to learn truth.

But first I worked out, then there was basketball, then clean-up, then frisbee, then a long dinner, then Kmart, then games in the basement. Days are a blur. Sometimes I stop and wonder where all the time went.

And now for the first time I'll actually have an excuse for never having time to blog or write emails that I need to be writing, because tomorrow I start working. My job's at Rite Aid -- a small pharmacy 3 blocks from the house we're staying in. The manager is very friendly. We already talked about the tragedy of Vietnam and how unions only exist to help slackers get jobs.

So basically it turns out I don't have much to complain about. I actually have a lot to be thankful for.

In fact, if I had my tablet pen, life would be perfect.

Thanks for listening to my whining. This is going to be a really cool summer.

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